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Sunburst Over River

Tag: series 19

  • Make it work

    Make it work

    The effect of leadership is so deep that your entire future is shaped by those values, ethics, emotions and visions that galvanize you to action. This is why we must be ever conscious and protective of our environments, and what is influencing us. Don’t allow anything to take root in your life that you do…

  • The mystery of leadership

    The mystery of leadership

    God is the very epitome of excellent leadership, and this is what the whole Bible reveals. He sets the standard for what should be expected in every leader. He is creator, shepherd, king, and father. As creator, He teaches us the leadership skills of setting vision and goals, planning, preparing and executing plans through the…

  • Never ending fountains

    Never ending fountains

    What a guilty conscience does to us insidiously and invidiously, especially when we are unconscious of this consciousness, is to envelope us with a blanket of heaviness. Quietly, it reminds you of the time you so sinned you couldn’t pray and then you fell into trouble. So this anxiety raises this horrible wall….what if I…

  • Lead: I will follow

    In the worship of the baals, the Canaanites abandoned themselves to active sex with the priests, priestesses, neophytes of the cults, killed their children and threw them in fire. The bloodier and more sensual, the stronger the worship. Since the battles had raged with conquests and push backs, no one was quite sure what was…

  • Flight from Casablanca
    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.
  • Single road to added prizes & multiplied grace
    May your two eyes merge to give you the strongest vision May your two hands and ten fingers grasp as one to give you the strongest hold May your two legs and ten toes move in the same direction to take you ‘there’
  • At the center of it all
    Have you ever wondered what produced the incredible achievement of personalities such as David, Samuel, Daniel and Paul? What is that hidden key that opened options to them that brought long lasting results time after time?