While you were sleeping

A leader cannot take the trappings without yielding the benefit of the place you occupy. That is why a full leafed fig tree without fruit has no business standing in the space. You will not be a legitimate leader if you don’t rise up to the call of the times – at work, at home, in ministry, and with any group. Validity comes from weaving coherence into different times and seasons.

Make it work

The effect of leadership is so deep that your entire future is shaped by those values, ethics, emotions and visions that galvanize you to action. This is why we must be ever conscious and protective of our environments, and what is influencing us. Don’t allow anything to take root in your life that you do not want to bear fruit in your life.

The road less travelled

Instead of being cowed by the storm, eagles find the strong winds provided by the storm, and leverage on them as assets to achieve its’ goals. That is strength, wisdom and courage combined. I can’t think of a better combination for achievement. Be an eagle. Fly high. On the road less travelled. You only need the wind, and the storm will give it to you.