Month: November 2018
Chasing the sweet
How many of us stop to think about the danger that travels with each of the pleasurable vanities we are presuming to chase?
Empty your hands (and heart)
I have watched people at the buffet table mix all sorts of meals in a heap. And I could just imagine the tough process they were going to go through eating what ought to have brought the pleasure of decipherable taste. Not to talk about the tummy ache that could be awaiting them.
The difference
All our abilities – physical, emotional and spiritual, are derived from God, and it is important to ask Him for those abilities through prayer. It is God who is building a kingdom that straddles heaven and earth, and we are participants in this glorious venture. The power for it, and the glory from it move…
The long and short of it – Lessons from Ai
The battle is the Lord’s. Victory is not from any human craft or strength. The horse is made ready for battle, but victory is given by the Lord. So it is God’s outstretched arm that makes the difference! And did the hosts of heaven fight for us that day!!’
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