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Tag: prayer

  • Samuel: A long journey

    Samuel: A long journey

    As Samuel settled into being the spiritual, social and political leader with a heart of gold that did right and gave justice, who declared the word of the Lord in prophecies that were consistently fulfilled, the ‘ridiculed’ Hannah became the mother of the most revered leader since Moses. What a long road to fulfillment!

  • The difference

    The difference

    All our abilities – physical, emotional and spiritual, are derived from God, and it is important to ask Him for those abilities through prayer. It is God who is building a kingdom that straddles heaven and earth, and we are participants in this glorious venture. The power for it, and the glory from it move…

  • A man of war

    A man of war

    What do we do when attacked by spiritual enemies that will decimate us in the natural? Diseases that claim to be incurable that appear suddenly in a family going about its quiet business? Deaths, divorces and addictions that were not courted or anticipated by families? Business destruction from external forces when we have worked diligently…

  • A walled city

    A walled city

    I keep quiet when I am not sure. Then I watch to figure out if what my heart is saying is not destructive to the greater good. If it is from God and yet does not sound good to me, then I conclude that it can only be meant to bring about a greater good.…

  • Habits


    But adapting to a new habit is tough. It is said that it takes a minimum of 21 days for a habit to form. That journey may be uncomfortable, disruptive and even stressful. But if you can push to incorporate that new winning way into your daily repertoire and get to the end of the…

  • Flight from Casablanca
    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.
  • Single road to added prizes & multiplied grace
    May your two eyes merge to give you the strongest vision May your two hands and ten fingers grasp as one to give you the strongest hold May your two legs and ten toes move in the same direction to take you ‘there’
  • At the center of it all
    Have you ever wondered what produced the incredible achievement of personalities such as David, Samuel, Daniel and Paul? What is that hidden key that opened options to them that brought long lasting results time after time?