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Sunburst Over River

Tag: Leadership Lessons

  • Social Profile: Samson

    Social Profile: Samson

    What were Samson’s values? It did not come out clearly in the story. He knew how to fight. Beyond that, it is not clear what direction Samson intended to move at any time. He did not seem to be following a vision, because he cast no vision for anyone to follow. He seemed incapable of…

  • The learning window – Jephthah

    The learning window – Jephthah

    Effective leadership takes a potent mix of abilities and attitudes, and not just social position. Secondly, the perfect can be spoilt. With extravagance, negligence, recklessness and lack of mental control. Leadership requires that we carefully balance our emotional, spiritual and social lives. Seeking and handling of power always demands the personal subjugation of the powerful,…

  • Kill the Gauls!

    Kill the Gauls!

    You have to learn to live in your space that is threatened by contrary people. You are the one who must learn to strengthen your stakes, lengthen your cords, deepen your pillars and make it impossible for contrary people to win whatever trouble they brought.

  • JEPHTHAH:  Hard to Get (Judges 11, 12)

    JEPHTHAH: Hard to Get (Judges 11, 12)

    He had found the key to stardom. A healthy disregard for unfavorable circumstances and people who imagined that circumstances made the man. They did not. Men created their own circumstances. It took an appreciation that one needed others and so the art of collaboration was another key to winning in life.

  • Nothing does not mean nothing

    Nothing does not mean nothing

    Closely related to laziness is the temptation that empty hands place on us. For if you do nothing and get nothing, how do you take care of your needs? Many turn to the abuse of things they were meant to take care of. Corruption is the lifestyle of the reckless, negligent and incompetent. For when…

  • Fruits and talents

    Fruits and talents

    Sometimes God speaks loudest when He leaves words out. As children of God who listen to God through the words of the Bible, it is important to note that the mentoring directions of the Holy Spirit come not only from the text of what the scriptures say, but also, what they leave unsaid.

  • Tola & Jair:  Fifty Five Shades of Nothing

    Tola & Jair: Fifty Five Shades of Nothing

    After Gideon’s colorful leadership and the trauma-inducing events following his death, Tola and Jair led Israel for fifty- five years. The work of these two men over fifty-five years is covered by exactly four verses in the Bible. The fifth verse clarifies the significant social bankruptcy that followed the insignificant leadership of these two men.…

  • Social profile

    Social profile

    Gideon was a great follower of God’s strategic instructions. This was a leader who understood the importance of a winning strategy and planning of battles. He was happy to engage with strategies, no matter how bizarre. That engagement with unusual strategies brought him high successes.

  • No room for inferiority/superiority complexes in leadership: are you kidding me?

    No room for inferiority/superiority complexes in leadership: are you kidding me?

    Someone put it this way – ‘your attitude is speaking so loudly I cannot hear your words’. This is the burden of validity and acceptance in leadership. Leadership demands authenticity. And authenticity demands that we make every effort to align what we feel internally with what we are expressing outwardly. The result is integrity.

  • While you were sleeping

    While you were sleeping

    A leader cannot take the trappings without yielding the benefit of the place you occupy. That is why a full leafed fig tree without fruit has no business standing in the space. You will not be a legitimate leader if you don’t rise up to the call of the times – at work, at home,…

  • Flight from Casablanca
    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.
  • Single road to added prizes & multiplied grace
    May your two eyes merge to give you the strongest vision May your two hands and ten fingers grasp as one to give you the strongest hold May your two legs and ten toes move in the same direction to take you ‘there’
  • At the center of it all
    Have you ever wondered what produced the incredible achievement of personalities such as David, Samuel, Daniel and Paul? What is that hidden key that opened options to them that brought long lasting results time after time?