Month: June 2018
‘What have we done to love?’
Many women are so exhausted; they are simply unable to be productive in their careers or other pursuits that their hearts hanker for. Many men are so preyed on to provide for every need of the family and look affluent that, their participation in corrupt practices is pushed by the demands of the very people…
Sidewalk – the business of living
There is no other response to vanity, when each moment of breath is the beautiful gift called life. I wished I could drop him notes so he could close early today.
Excel – with Lady Justice
Justice is an interesting concept. It demands fairness and equity. It calls for granting a fair playing ground for everyone. It confronts lack of fairness in the sharing of space and resources. Where law is set aside, and when fairness and equity are not respected, the human soul bursts out with violence.
The law shall not depart from your mouth
The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. One hundred and seventy six verses in a love song. A love song not to the character of God, or even the works of God. It is a love song to His word. It could only have been written by one who found no fault with…
Series 8: Moses
This series explores the relationship between law, justice, love, excellence and progress, and how leadership is the key to unlocking these relationships.
Sssssshhhh! Quite quiet
I’m certain that the best time of the day is dawn and dusk. When the day clouds are smilingly creeping back or reluctantly withdrawing. The sun is shyingly creeping in or fully shutting off. And dogs and humans are moving shadows. It is a lulling time and yet invigorating.
One thing at a time
FOCUS on one thing at a time. This means that multitasking is bad. Yes, say it again. ‘Multitasking is bad’. Slowly this time. In a whisper, almost. Now scream it! Loud! Fast! ‘Multitasking is bad!’
Rest is not an option
As if nights, and a day out of the week are not enough, He called for Sabbath years. Every seventh year, take a year of rest. Then He called for the Jubilee year. After seven times of seven years adding up to 49 years, the 50th year is a year of Jubilee. A year not…
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