Tag: Joshua
The angel from Bokim
What is the point of changing anything if others resist every significant thing you do? We are here. We have food and clothes. We do not need to worry ourselves with leading anyone. We don’t need to change any culture around us. People here lie. So what? They are promiscuous. So what? They don’t worship…
A voice from yesterday…
When Moses faced the red sea, it was God who told him to stretch his rod. When Joshua faced the flooded Jordan, it was God who directed that the ark was to go ahead of the people into the water. But what do you do when God is silent and yet you must win?
But surely, you cannot feel full when your brother’s continued strength is only guaranteed by the magnanimity from your table? Must they live on the generosity of others, instead of having what they can also bequeath to their next generations? You are not complete until all is complete. Don’t fail your brothers. Don’t fail the…
The difference
All our abilities – physical, emotional and spiritual, are derived from God, and it is important to ask Him for those abilities through prayer. It is God who is building a kingdom that straddles heaven and earth, and we are participants in this glorious venture. The power for it, and the glory from it move…
The long and short of it – Lessons from Ai
The battle is the Lord’s. Victory is not from any human craft or strength. The horse is made ready for battle, but victory is given by the Lord. So it is God’s outstretched arm that makes the difference! And did the hosts of heaven fight for us that day!!’
A walled city
I keep quiet when I am not sure. Then I watch to figure out if what my heart is saying is not destructive to the greater good. If it is from God and yet does not sound good to me, then I conclude that it can only be meant to bring about a greater good.…
Land’s end (Deuteronomy 34)
‘Always wait for His word. He will speak. If you will learn to listen to Him and wait for His instruction, He will never fail to show up and guide you along. You can lead yourself and others well, only if you allow yourself to be led by values, emotions, and principles greater than yourself.
God had led them back to the desert of Sinai and to the place of Moses’ succor after he ran from Egypt. He had led them to the foot of the mountain on which He had first spoken to Moses. Talk about a God of consistency! Talk about comfort. Talk about assurance.
‘Manna. What is this? This was the question evoked by this magical food for weeks after it started. And that is what its name became. Manna. Food that had to be carefully measured. Diligently weighed. Consistently gathered. Meticulously guarded and doubly gathered on the day before the Sabbath. It did not allow for carelessness. It…
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