Series 5: Moses

We confront the unsettling nature of life – and the need to harness all facets of leadership in every move.

A new month, a new book, a move from Genesis to Exodus. Still contemplating the art and skills of leadership. Still meditating on the works, ways and words of God

So is God real? I think that if we are not even convinced by the many confirmations in the order of creation, the beauty of nature, and the love expressed in provision of sun, water, food, health and relationships, we should be convinced by the fulfilling of prophecy. That God is real.
Not all opportunities are good. I can assure you. This is because opportunities are not only occurrences, they are significant junctions that can affect your direction for good or confusion. New job with shinier prospects.
I keep praying, drinking in the kissing of heaven and earth on my verandah. It’s speaking peace. Kenya, Cote D’Ivoire, Sudan will hear the voice of treaties and cries, as Angola and Rwanda seem to have done. Don’t fret.