New York 18794, United States. 4568


A special person

A rose by any other name will smell as sweet. So why do we bother to call it a rose? It’s a rose because it’s a rose. If it was any other name, it would be that name. There’s an incredible notion, which is scientifically true. Since the beginning of mankind, there’s been only one of everyone. So there’s only one of you, and never again will there be another you. This is an incredulous truth that compels us to consider and wonder at the creator and the purpose of the creator’s work.

But then, who are you? Who is this unique blend of carefully crafted thumbprint, eye ball, hair design with DNA distinctly linked to scores of ‘ancestors’ and yet absolutely different from everyone who has ever lived on this planet, or will yet do? Only you and the author of your life know. A chosen person for good works designed before you were born (Ephesians 2:10). A holy person set apart for good. Blessed to be a blessing.

You may be shaped by your environment, parentage, etc. So all those factors go into who you are, but they definitely do not complete you. Do not forget that even twins may be as different as chalk and cheese. When it comes to you, the trigger and yearning points are deep within. You know you because you are that person loving what you love, and hating what you hate. If your heart is looking for something you haven’t seen anywhere yet, don’t be surprised. This is simply part of the indicators of who you are.

And do not let anyone make you apologise for your deepest desires and directions. Those desires and directions define you. What will make you happy as you walk, trip or run along. It is all quite esoteric, so if I were you, I would study me. Frankly, if there is any subject you should watch closely, it is who you are, and your callings and assignments. Therein lies the key to your life’s work. What makes you happy? What ticks you off? What do you desire deep inside? What do you find intriguing? In identifying these factors, you find integrity and authenticity. Then settle down to doing the work of your contribution to humanity. And enjoy the journey of being you by speaking the truth at all times. A human being defining your unique humanity within the community of humanity. If you are to succeed at life, you can only be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

It is in the context of you doing an excellent job of being you that your your success can be identified and celebrated. Because whatever work you do for all of us, will have your unique stamp all over it.


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