Tag: series 24
The learning window – Jephthah
Effective leadership takes a potent mix of abilities and attitudes, and not just social position. Secondly, the perfect can be spoilt. With extravagance, negligence, recklessness and lack of mental control. Leadership requires that we carefully balance our emotional, spiritual and social lives. Seeking and handling of power always demands the personal subjugation of the powerful,…
Kill the Gauls!
You have to learn to live in your space that is threatened by contrary people. You are the one who must learn to strengthen your stakes, lengthen your cords, deepen your pillars and make it impossible for contrary people to win whatever trouble they brought.
Win Win
It is easy to win and let others win. It only takes research and sound counsel to determine what the proper aces in our hands are, willingness to negotiate in humility and integrity, patience with the faults of others, and a dedication to outcomes that is higher than the ego and timidity that prevent healthy…
Living in salvation
I see that the most significant point that needs to be negotiated in this life is the primary question of faith in God. Is eternity real, and what should be our response to it? If we choose to believe the bible, we still have to negotiate what to do about the lordship of Jesus Christ,…
JEPHTHAH: Hard to Get (Judges 11, 12)
He had found the key to stardom. A healthy disregard for unfavorable circumstances and people who imagined that circumstances made the man. They did not. Men created their own circumstances. It took an appreciation that one needed others and so the art of collaboration was another key to winning in life.
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