Category: Joseph
Rooted, established, firm …
Fruiting comes from rooting. The deeper the roots, the weightier the fruit. Again, fruit may take time to show up, but when they do, they are priceless. That’s why God is always anxious to tell Israel, ‘take root down, bear fruit up’.
Friendship – Far from the madding crowd
The lady had a book open on her lap. She had a pen and seemed to be underlining what she read out. The guy peered over her shoulder, had his face almost in her hair and – were they reading together?
Heaven is the treasure
Heaven is to be the ultimate treasure in all of life’s pursuit, if we are to regard ourselves as successful. God encourages us to live valuing eternity. Thinking about eternity. Investing in eternity. Working for eternity. Avoiding hell in eternity.
Pearls of great price
Values are the threads that define our character. The robe of many colors we carry around – and leave behind when we move on. The pieces of our heart that speak louder than our words.
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