Reflections on life, Christianity and Africa authored by Justice Gertrude Torkornoo
Africa has many stories to tell. Tales of love, pain, play and authentic fiery living. They hit you as you travel across the continent and encounter the utter beauty, often strained poverty and yet tenacious joy of perhaps the most expressive race in humanity. These poems were written while savoring the integrity and paradoxes of strength, weakness, pain, beauty, faith, hope and love experienced as an African treading through my home space and other spaces. They will touch you as they bring engagement with issues that a contemporary African must constantly acknowledge. Issues such as the profiling of Africa in international news, living as a migrant, politics of corruption, and quite simply, the dance and simplicity of this place. Ever the romantic, the games and excitements of the most complex emotion have always been significant in my outlook, So I say ‘love is a strange color – all colors merge into it!’ The collection is an exploratory journey of words capturing life and loving in this joyous black skin. Let’s enjoy!
Who can express fully the rainbow of experiences that come with living in the cocoon of salvation within the hustle and bustle of this place called ‘the world’? Many books are constantly being written about the Christian experience, so that God’s people may know Him and the power of Jesus’ resurrection. This collection of poetry celebrates the heavenly journey with bite sized testimonies in the form of poetry. It scans personal experiences, evaluation of the truth of the Gospel in contemporary holds barred expression of gratitude for knowing Christ and a hollering about what salvation (SOZO) means. It is my prayer that it will refresh, rekindle and restore faith hope and love!
All other religions teach a way to God through human effort and religious rites. Christianity presents a triune God who not only seeks and accepts the prodigal child, but became human as Jesus and died for the rebel, so that we can come back to him after death- unhindered by sin and judgement.