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Kill the Gauls!

The Gauls were a wild race, so history tells us. They made everyone nervous. They advanced on your land; married (no, took is a better word) your women and left a trail of devastation. Their hats were horns and they didn’t mind goring you with it. Now whoever created them must have been in an angry mode when the design was done, otherwise, there is no other explanation for these war-like people.

But Gauls were unavoidable in European history during 5th to 1st centuries BC. They came into your space without invitation and took a place. How to do? Kill the Gauls was a strong cry in those generations past. Trouble is, they were tough! I’m not jealous of those who had to deal with them. Same way that I’d like to commiserate with you for that stinking boss, the office prattle who told everyone when she got to know your business, that neighbor you wish would move away, and worse of all, the business competitor who is always bigger and better than you. 

How about the political opponent who must be a descendant of the Gauls? Kill the Gauls? Well, you cannot. That is the trouble. You have to learn to live in your space that is threatened by contrary people. You are the one who must learn to strengthen your stakes, lengthen your cords, deepen your pillars and make it impossible for contrary people to win whatever trouble they brought. Basic fact is, the Gauls cannot win every match and fight. So in this one with you, no matter how long, swift or brutal, plan to win in a manner that leaves you and the environment alive after they are long gone. 

After all, who remembers the Gauls now? The Romans managed to win against them after various sieges, and finished that conquest by integrating them into the Roman empire. So don’t plan to kill the Gauls because there is no value in fighting what you cannot stamp out. Just win against them. And win them over with superior arguments. Or if they will not be won, at least, silence them with superior arguments. That you can do, with leadership skills, values, qualities and attitudes.

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