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Sunburst Over River

Category: The Genesis Principles

  • This gift called faith

    This gift called faith

    But God applauds this position. Hebrews 11:6 says, ‘ But without faith, it is impossible to please God…’. Hebrews 11 is described as the ‘hall of faith’. A chapter specially dedicated to God’s affirmation of beautiful people who exercised faith, took phenomenal risks and broke glass ceilings, and pleased God.

  • Leadership – living at the top of your game

    Leadership – living at the top of your game

    The key qualities of these four creatures must come into play in leadership. The visionary power of the eagle, the strong territorial management of the lion, the strength and work ethic of the bull, and the creativity of man.

  • Unwilling traveller

    Unwilling traveller

    No doubt. He must have come off an international flight. The stoniness of face spread through his rigidly held body and told his story without any more words. Your guess is as good as mine. He was forced out of wherever he was trying to eke a living without ‘papers’.

  • Letter to MESS

    Letter to MESS

    Ever seen anyone get chicken ready to be cooked? When I was growing up, it was one of my kitchen duties to do this. After the chicken is killed, you pluck off its big feathers. Soon, you will find a set of smaller ones you need to scrub off.

  • Building the dream life

    Building the dream life

    The human obsession with ‘achievement’ and ‘success’ has everything to do with the fact that achievement of dreams is a God THING. And God points to the road map for achieving dreams in the opening story of His Bible. He tells His own story about how He did it.

  • Flight from Casablanca
    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.
  • Single road to added prizes & multiplied grace
    May your two eyes merge to give you the strongest vision May your two hands and ten fingers grasp as one to give you the strongest hold May your two legs and ten toes move in the same direction to take you ‘there’
  • At the center of it all
    Have you ever wondered what produced the incredible achievement of personalities such as David, Samuel, Daniel and Paul? What is that hidden key that opened options to them that brought long lasting results time after time?