New York 18794, United States. 4568


Sunburst Over River

Category: Adam

  • Flight from Casablanca

    Flight from Casablanca

    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.

  • SOS – Save Our Souls

    SOS – Save Our Souls

    So here is the next question. Where do you draw your strength from? What are you feeding your soul from the materials you watch, study, focus on and walk towards? Who is counseling you? What do you regard as wisdom? What rules of life do you apply? What are your key operating principles?

  • The hero is cold

    The hero is cold

    ‘It’s the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What we are seeing is evil. Good has lost its influence and control. Evil has shown its face’. He spoke in great pain. Eve shivered. ‘I thought it was going to make us powerful? Why do I feel weak and unable?’

  • Money-in-Law


    That group makes me nervous. Their faces can usually be found in the business class section of flights. They enjoy money more than they are able to legitimately make it. So much exceedingly and abundantly more. So how could they care about how it comes?

  • Emotional intelligence

    Emotional intelligence

    Emotional intelligence helps us to recognize the deep veins of fear, sometimes laid in childhood or teenage, when we are most vulnerable. These veins can send arrows of blood into our consciousness and activate anger against people we barely know just because they remind us of some earlier bad experience we had. They are veins…

  • Flight from Casablanca
    How I longed for escape from parts of my life that simply strangled! From the routine of driving three hours every day to and from work and not sure of when this routine it would end. From watching everything I ate or said because of the desire to achieve a certain result from good food.
  • Single road to added prizes & multiplied grace
    May your two eyes merge to give you the strongest vision May your two hands and ten fingers grasp as one to give you the strongest hold May your two legs and ten toes move in the same direction to take you ‘there’
  • At the center of it all
    Have you ever wondered what produced the incredible achievement of personalities such as David, Samuel, Daniel and Paul? What is that hidden key that opened options to them that brought long lasting results time after time?