Category: Profile
Series 8: Moses
This series explores the relationship between law, justice, love, excellence and progress, and how leadership is the key to unlocking these relationships.
Series 7: Rahab
In Series 7 we look at the importance of allowing lulls in between major events. We will see why you need to hear from God and take strategic decisions before you make major moves.
Series 6: Moses
How do we make this cycle of mountain top living easier to manage? Three suggestions…
Series 5: Moses
A new month, a new book, a move from Genesis to Exodus. Still contemplating the art and skills of leadership. Still meditating on the works, ways and words […]
Series 4: Joseph
With Joseph as a focal point, in Series 4 we learn about values, treasures and the value of eternity.
Series 3: Noah
We’ve been exploring the dynamics of achievement and what Leadership – that complex concept that holds the key to how people and groups achieve dreams, visions, and goals – looks like. So much has the book of Genesis got to teach us on that.
Series 2: Adam
In Series 2, we explore we look at Adam’s story and explore our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and corruption.
Series 1: The Genesis Principles
Before we share the stories of men, let’s discuss the story of when there was only God, His account of how it all began, and what it teaches us. It’s the story of dreaming and achieving.
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